As important elements in the co-curricular options offered at The University of Alabama, student organizations offer group members opportunities to enhance, explore, apply, practice, and integrate knowledge and skills gained through pursuit of academic study. They also provide effective support and assistance to students at The University of Alabama within the context of the broader teaching, research, and service missions of the institution.

The Office of Student Involvement administers the University’s policies requiring registration for all student organizations. Student organization registrations remain valid through the academic year. All registration forms and information are available online via the mySOURCE organization management portal. The Office of Student Involvement (SI) and The SOURCE Board of Directors manages that process and assists in sharing the responsibilities of student organizations and their relationship with UA to current leadership and advisers.

Registered student organizations are private, voluntary associations and are not official components of The University of Alabama. Registration allows student organizations to enjoy basic privileges granted by the institution when the organization meets minimum standards for registered status. Registration does not imply University approval of the organization or the activities of the organization; and The University of Alabama and the Office of Student Involvement (SI) in no way accept liability for the actions of registered student organizations. More information about the policies and procedures related to registered student organizations is available in the Student Organization Handbook, as maintained by the Office of Student Involvement.

Registration Benefits

  • Standard benefits available to student organizations completing the registration process include:
    Use of University facilities including The University of Alabama Student Center meeting rooms (free of charge or at a discounted rate)
  • Sponsorship of events, on-campus solicitation, and fundraising activities
  • Organization mail services
    • Eligibility to obtain a student organization e-mail address from OIT.
    • Obtain a web presence through the mySOURCE organization management portal, which also serves as a historical documentation vehicle for organization history.
  • Eligibility to apply for SGA Financial Affairs Committee (FAC) funding in accordance with University procedures and regulations.
  • Eligibility to register on-campus events utilizing the Online Event Planning Process.
  • Computer and Copier Use in The SOURCE.
  • Opportunity to participate in Fall & Spring “Get On Board Day.”
  • Access to mySOURCE online organization management system and inclusion in the Student Organization Directory (whether online or print format).
  • Access to consultation with Office of Student Involvement professional staff on organizational issues (e.g., conflict resolution, retreats, officer transition, etc.).
  • Free advertising of programs/activities in the UA Student Center in approved locations and other campus locations where applicable (e.g., chalking, bulletin boards, etc. ).
  • Opportunity for recognition through the SAL Awards Banquet.
  • Access to grant opportunities through the SOURCE Collaborative Grant, the University Programs RFP process, and/or the Bama Dining Food Grant program.
  • Access to Pepsi products provided via our contract with Buffalo Rock.
  • Eligibility to apply for premier office space.
  • Access to services provided by The SOURCE Board of Directors.

Registration of New Organizations, Defunct Organizations, and Inactive Organizations

All student organizations considered new (meaning they have not yet been created) or defunct/inactive for one [1] year or more must complete the following process to be considered for official recognition:

Review the “Create An Org” Packet found under the resources tab of The SOURCE. Privileges afforded prospective student organizations are limited to use of UA Student Center meeting space up to three (3) times within 30 days after submitting their online application and being approved for Provisional Status, permission to publicize meetings for membership recruitment and to complete the registration process, and pre-registration advising (if needed) from the Office of Student Involvement concerning organization and registration participation in “Get On Board Day.”

Please note that organizations under “Provisional Status” may meet on campus for organizational purposes only and do not receive standard privileges of sponsoring events or soliciting funds until the organization completes the registration process, 50% of their sustainability goals, and are removed from “Provisional Status.”

The following process must be completed for anyone interested in starting a prospective group or re-initiating a defunct or inactive organization:

  1. Complete New Student Organization Registration Form online via mySOURCE, which should include:
    1. the names, campus-wide ID numbers, addresses, phone numbers, and acknowledgement of student officers (with a a minimum requirement of a President, Vice-President, and Treasurer).
    2. the name(s), campus address, campus phone number, and acknowledgement of a full-time member of The University of Alabama faculty or staff willing to serve as adviser to the organization.
    3. the acknowledgement of at least ten (10) currently enrolled University of Alabama students interested in organizational membership who have given you permission to submit their names and email addresses.*
  2. Submit via mySOURCE one (1) electronic copy of the organizational constitution and by-laws (required format available from the Office of Student Involvement or The SOURCE website).
  3. submit via mySOURCE one (1) electronic copy of the constitution and by-laws of any related or affiliated national organization (if applicable).
  4. submit 4 Sustainability Goals to indicate what steps will be taken by the organization to recruit, sustain, and remain relevant.
  5. complete the mandatory New Organization Workshop in their 1st month and SOURCE Officers Academy.
  6. attend a provisional status “Clearance Meeting” (if requested by SI administrators) and provide proof of completion of at least 50% of their designated Sustainability Goals in the 1st month via email or the designated method, as well as completion of the online process, mandatory new organization meetings, and any other training or resources deemed necessary by SI.

Unless otherwise requested in writing or email by the organization, officers’ and adviser’s names, addresses, and phone numbers, as well as general information included in registration documents, may be used to compile the Online Student Organization Directory and for mailing purposes.

Conditions for Maintaining Registration

To maintain registered status, previously registered student organizations must renew registration each fall or spring semester based on their designated registration window. The Fall registration window is from March 15th – October 15th. The Spring registration window is from November 15th- February 15th. By completing the online Student Organization Renewal Process within the window of the organization’s designated registration, organizations can ensure compliance with all current UA policies and procedures that govern students and/or student organizations. The following steps are included:

  1. Registered student organizations are responsible for submitting online via mySOURCE a Student Organization Renewal each year during their registration period and sending updates via the “Change of Officer/Adviser Form” during the academic year ANY TIME there is an election or appointment of new officers, or when changes occur in the organizational officers, official faculty/staff advisers, mailing addresses of officers/advisers, and/or phone numbers of designated representatives.
  2. Registered student organizations must submit a copy of their constitution and by-laws online via mySOURCE in conjunction with their renewal EVERY year and any time there is a change.
  3. Registered student organizations must notify the Office of Student Involvement (SI) in writing via letter or email when changes occur in the general status of the organization (inactive, defunct, name change, etc.). Changes to constitutional documents should also be reported at all times.
  4. To maintain registered status at The University of Alabama, student organizations affiliated/associated with a national/international organization or designated as chapters of national/inter-national organizations must retain official recognition by the national/international association and will be asked to supply proof of that relationship on a yearly basis and if/when in question.
  5. If the organization allows membership to include non-University of Alabama students, at least 50% plus one (1) of the total membership must remain currently enrolled University of Alabama students.
  6. All student organizations shall conduct affairs in a lawful manner and in accordance with the constitution and by-laws on file in mySOURCE for that registration period, which is the official filing mechanism of the Office of Student Involvement (SI), and with all applicable University policies and regulations, city ordinances, and state statutes and federal law.

Withdrawal and Denial of Registration

No student organization will be officially registered with The University of Alabama if the Office of Student Involvement (SI) determines that the organizational activities are detrimental to the academic and/or educational missions of the University.

  1. If the Office of Student Involvement (SI) denies registration of a new student organization, SI will notify the president and adviser of the organization in writing of the decision to deny registration. The organization denied registration may appeal in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs within five (5) University working days from the date of the denial notification correspondence. The decision of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs is final.
  2. The Office of Student Involvement reserves the right to withdraw registration of a student organization for 1) failure to comply with regulations governing students and student groups, or 2) loss of recognition by or membership in its respective national/international organization.
    1. The Office of Student Involvement (SI) will notify the president and adviser of the organization in writing about the proposed withdrawal of registration and the reason(s) for proposed withdrawal of registration.
    2. Within five [5] University working days of the date of proposed registration withdrawal correspondence, the organization must show cause why registration should not be withdrawn, if it chooses to do so.
    3. Should the organization choose not to show cause or should the Office of Student Involvement (SI) determine justifications for retaining registration to be inadequate, the Office of Student Involvement will notify the president and adviser of the organization in writing of the actual withdrawal of registration, the reason(s) for withdrawal of registration, and the effective date of withdrawal of registration.
    4. The organization may appeal withdrawal of registration in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs within five (5) University working days from the date of registration withdrawal correspondence. If the organization fails to appeal withdrawal of registration within the specified time period, the decision of the Office of Student Involvement is final.
    5. Concerning organizational appeals of withdrawal of registration by the Office of Student Involvement, the decision of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs is final.
Should an organization have questions or concerns regarding these policies, members should refer to the Student Organization Handbook for details and for the most up-to-date information and procedures.