Obtaining a bank account for your organization is an endeavor that should be entered into with care and proper knowledge. The information provided in this section will offer information about setting up a bank account with the Alabama Credit Union (ACU) or with other banking institutions in the state of Alabama.
In order to obtain a bank account at any financial institution, your organization must be recognized at The University of Alabama and have current up-to-date information listed on your mySOURCE organization profile. The Office of Student Involvement recommends the use of the Alabama Credit Union.
Your organization will benefit from the strong partnership and working relationship ACU has with UA. For more information about banking with Alabama Credit Union, you should visit their The University of Alabama Student Center location or contact them via phone.
Please note: Student organizations are not allowed to use the University of Alabama’s EIN when establishing their bank account.
When you apply online, you will be asked to identify your organization’s type of legal structure. Select: “View Additional Types, Including Tax-Exempt and Governmental Organizations”, then “PTA/PTO or School Organization.“
Complete this online application and you will obtain your EIN number immediately (please print or save for your records):
When the officer who submits the EIN request is no longer associated with the organization due to graduation or any other reason, they will need to be sure to communicate this information to the IRS, as well as any other accounts (bank, online, etc.) to have their personal information removed from any accounts.
Bama Dining and Enterprise Operations provide active, registered student organizations the opportunity to receive food and refreshment donations for events. See below for more details:
If you have questions about the Bama Dining Food Grant, please contact Patrick Brinyark with Bama Dining (patrick.brinyark@ua.edu).
Registered student organizations are eligible for $75 worth of Coca-Cola products per year. From soft drinks to customizable banners, these products are an awesome resource for events and publicity. Your allocation amount is kept in a spreadsheet with our office. Once you have reached your designated amount, you will not be eligible for additional funds. Before submitting, please make sure your request is at least 10 business days in advance of your desired date to receive the products. All funds come from a large pot that is first come first serve. To submit an allocation request do the following:
The Student Government Association (SGA) Financial Affairs Committee (FAC) allocates funds to registered student organizations for programs, events, travel, and more.
Completing FAC Training is required before an organization can apply for FAC funding. The training is held via Blackboard and helps student organization leaders understand the FAC application process.
For more information about FAC funding guidelines and training, review the documents listed on FAC’s mySource profile or contact FAC Advisor Cassie Yeager (fac@ua.edu).