Chalking is a wonderful and inexpensive way to advertise or promote programs and events. Failure to adhere to the following guidelines may result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.

  • Only registered student organizations (through the Office of Student Involvement), departments, and faculty organizations are allowed to chalk within the guidelines provided below.
  • Chalking is only permitted on natural tan/gray concrete sidewalks that are subject to being washed by the rain.
  • No chalking can occur on sidewalks or building entrances that are covered by a shelter of any type.
  • No chalking can be closer than 20 feet to a building. A building structure includes porches, stairs, and drive-thrus.
  • No chalking is permitted on a vertical surface including the riser portion of stairs.
  • Chalking is not permitted on any type of brick or concrete paver, and/or engraved surfaces.
  • Only solid concrete surfaces as outlined above are subject to chalking.
  • The type of chalk used must be washable and not capable of withstanding several rains. Spray chalk is strictly prohibited. It is recommended that you use Crayola Sidewalk Chalk©.
  • The following are expressly prohibited from chalking:
    • Ferguson Plaza
    • Crimson Promenade
    • Walls anywhere on campus
    • Brick pavers (bricks or brick like materials used for surfaces on which to walk)
    • Surfaces under porches or drive-thrus
    • The entrance to the south end of the Recreation Center
    • Law School and surrounding sidewalks
    • Brick pavers surrounding the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business, Veteran’s Affairs, etc.
  • Removal of chalk in prohibited areas will be handled by the department responsible for the given area. Organizations may be contacted by said department and asked to remove the chalking at their own expense or could face charges if removal is done by UA Facilities and Grounds.
  • Please note that all departments have the right to remove chalking for aesthetic and event purposes.
  • If any expense is incurred in the removal of chalk because of a violation of the above policies, the organization may be held responsible for all expenses and is subject to judiciary action by the Student Judiciary Committee.

Policy updated October 2018.